I'm Benjamín Bekeš.

The Full-Stack engineer, Graphic designer, Android Native programmer, DevOps manager, Network administrator, Agile-driven man, and Musician. My job consists of creating and delivering powerful and effective solutions based on customers' demands.


Greetings! How are you? Let me say hello from Slovakia :)

I'm mostly a self-taught guy who loves exploring new possibilities and finding new opportunities in the IT department in order to make the future better.

My work is signed by its clarity and well-documented code. I really like to collaborate with smarter people than I am, because I can learn from them a lot.

I've started programming early in my childhood so I've earned quite a lot of experience in a variety of IT segments. They are mostly from my personal projects but also from the enterprises' ones.

My first programming language was Java, with which I have over 10 years of experience. I've created many projects in this language, however, by the time, you will see, I switched to some alternatives.

If you are interested, let's dive into the details.

CEO & Founder

Umevia | Artists' booking system

The concept of Airbnb where we substitute real estate with artists.

With the powerful Umevia application, all artists are available in a single place. You don't have to contact them manually through social media, emails, or third-party event agencies. You can simply book your desired artists for your events. While you're enjoying your personal party, wedding, or team-building, we take care of the payments, invoicing, refunds, and artists' booking management. Everything is through a simple app. More at Umevia.com

Social Impact Award 2022 WinnerSocial Impact Award 2022 Winner

Full-Stack Developer


3 years

What a wonderful web framework! I really like it. It is much easier to create powerful websites than I used to with plain HTML, CSS, and JS. My experience with Angular is dating over 1 year now, and during that time I've done several great applications for myself and my customers. That's my first choice, if I want to create a good-loking frontend. Talking of Angular, I primarily use the PrimeNg framework to give my sites more life.

Related technologies


6 years

Since the Java language was the first programming language I've had experienced with, it suits very well for backend solutions. Spring Boot and the whole Spring family I use every time when I want to create effective and secure backend solutions. I primarily use hibernate, some MySQL, and its variants. I prefer the Gradle build tool and the whole code written in Kotlin since I have already left Java for some years.

Related technologies

Mobile & Desktop

Android Native

4 years

Overall 4 years experience with Android apps written in Kotlin. During that time I've handed out many interesting projects to a variety of customers. I also wrote some apps for my own purposes or school-graduating projects, that I use until today. Since the web seems to be more reliable than Android regularly changing SDKs, I decided to be more focused on Full-Stack web-driven development.

Related technologies


2 years

I was approximately 15 years old when I had sold my first desktop software. It was a desktop console for a game hosting company since I had played a lot of pc games past times. I had tried many technologies, starting with JavaFX, going through C++, AutoIt up to C#. Nowadays it is not so trendy to build desktop apps, because of the web-driven force. But it had been quite funny to struggle with some native technologies. Total experience on average 3 years.

Related technologies

Graphic Designer


10 years

Photoshop and Premiere were my first graphic software I wanted to examine. In my childhood I used to edit some photos just for fun and making some graphical art. The self-taught experience reinforced the private school, where I earned more skills even from other products of Adobe. Nowadays I use these programs to create professional photos, videos, and overall UI and UX design. They are actually handy for me even for daily use and common purposes.

The software I use

3D Modeling

3 years

Another graphical branch I wanted to examine. I used to model some objects for game development since I had been developing 3D games past times. It was quite funny until I had not lost my motivation and I eventually had ended up selling my created 3D models on some of the popular asset stores for Unity and Unreal Engine. My self-taught experience was strengthen in my private high school as well, but unfortunately, it had not taught me a lot of new techniques from 3D modeling than I had already used to know.

Related software

DevOps & Networking

DevOps Management


Docker, Kubernetes, and some CI tools are very handy to know nowadays if we want to accelerate our development. The real purpose of learning these technologies came when I had needed to run my programs and the customer ones somewhere on other machines than on localhost. I'm not already so experienced enough with DevOps, but the brief basics of making docker files and Kubernetes' deployments, services is enough for now.

Related technologies

Cisco Management

CCNA 1 - 4

My high school gave me opportunities to earn the IT Essentials certificate for repairing and troubleshooting computer hardware and software. Years after, I accomplished the CCNA 1 up to CCNA 4 certificates. Now I am fully able to explain and configure some fundamental network structures even from the enterprise viewpoint or ISP provider's one. This includes a variety of technologies like OSPF, VoIP, VLAN, STP, DHCP, NAT, etc. See the Certificates for more details.


Scrum & IoT

Agile Scrum

I had read three books about managing IT projects, including the extreme-programming and some other strategies, but the Agile Scrum-driven development I consider as the best one when we want to have clear in what we each other do. I have experiences with YouTrack to create Agile, Kanban boards and managing users' workflow. I've also already configured some of the running instances of YouTrack even from scratch.

Related software

IoT Solutions

I used to program and weld IoT a few years ago. Simply I had bought some Arduino, and ESP cheap components from China, later the RaspberryPI, and had started creating a nuke 😁. I've done quite many fun and interesting projects, including my high-school graduate project of SmartHome that I use until now. When I had started, the Arduino, and ESP were not so popular enough. I had struggled a couple of months studying the boards and schematics to give the advanced things life.

Related technologies


Synth & Keys

17 years

Apart from programming, my further passion is to brightening the atmosphere with my melodies produced on synths and professional arrangers. I have a music background from my art school and over 17 years of experience has proven me to be a skilled musician. I still learn new styles and explore new areas. I don't like to commit to a specific style only, on the contrary, I like many of them. My favorite genres are 80/90's dance hits, pop, rock, funk, jazz, chill-out, etc. See the Musician section below.

Other instruments

Music Production

7 years

Early in my childhood, I've started producing some songs and harnessing the power of computer software to make my school gigs more progressive. Still, I'm not an expert, but today's knowledge is enough for me to create astonishing music in any genre. I don't produce music on daily basis, but sometimes it is worth changing a lifestyle stereotype from time to time and create something special for an audience. Maybe in the near time, I will consider sharing my creations with the public. I have lot of them.



My personality traits tell people about my focused mind for innovation. The IT sphere is already large, but I am fully considered that could be even larger. The exact point of my life where I've started to think like an innovator was when I've realized that everything around us was created by people that had hoped to change the world at least a little bit.

My idols

I am a big fan of the world's popular innovators like Elon Musk, or Steve Jobs. They are my top authorities that I respect and identify with them.

My spent time

My spent time fully goes on things that have a good sense of doing them. This includes:

  • working on personal projects
  • reading books
  • constantly learning new needed technologies
  • personal growth
  • producing music


The Earth's landscape is my big love. Camping, hiking, exploring new places... Yeah, that's great.

The most valuable activities for me are hanging out with friends and people that are meaningful for my personal growth. We are able to teach each other very quickly.

Skills summary

Kotlin icon


The main programming language I am focused on.
Java icon


My first programming language. 8 years+ experience.
Typescript icon


Better decision than javascript.

Angular icon


Angular & PrimeNg Web framework.
Spring icon


Spring and its family for powerful backend.
Android Native icon

Android Native

Native apps written in Kotlin.
Firebase Crashlytics and Cloud Messaginglogo

IntelliJ IDEA icon

IntelliJ IDEA

The most powerful IDE for everything.
Docker icon


Continuous Integration and Deployment
Kubernetes icon


For quick and easy deployment.
Jetbrains Hublogo
Amazon AWSlogo
Raspberry & Linux OSlogo

University of Žilina

Faculty of Informatics and Management science

Master's degree in Information Management

2023 - 2025

As a CEO & Founder of a startup company Umevia, it is required to gain some advanced knowledge of management and human leadership. This field of study improves my strategic thinking and encourages me to become a powerful leader in IT projects.

The skills I have improved

Bachelor's degree in Informatics and Management

2020 - 2023

During this time period, I have mastered critical thinking apart from programming skills and start flourishing in team leadership. Furthermore, I expand my view toward other directions and met more great people to collaborate with.

The skills I have improved

Additional Education

Private secondary vocational school Tatránska Akadémia

4 years

One of the most significant milestones in my career life. This school gave me apart from programming the closer insight into graphic editing, photo shooting, filmmaking, and networking. These branches helped me to explore new areas and helped to find my desired sector of IT. I don't stick to one but instead of that, I use everything I've learned so far. Programming and graphical skills are verified to me, and as you could see, I utilize them every time.

The skills I learned

Art School Ladislava Mednyánszkeho

10 years

During elementary school, I also visited the art school for 10 years until I had successfully graduated. My field of study consisted of playing the piano, synths, and professional arrangers. Furthermore, we had a school band, focusing on pop, jazz, funk, etc. Apart from that, I used to play in an orchestra as well. This was another great point to start my miscellaneous career. During the school program, I had performed many times for small audiences but even for bigger ones. These activities also helped me to be more self-confident. Also, I learned to organize people since I was a bandleader past times.

School activities

Work Experiences

ADUS-Technologies s.r.o.

3 years

This is a company where I act over 3 years as a software developer. By that time I've learned many new technologies and gain an insight into the enterprise-level code writing, that I use in my personal projects as well. I tried a variety of positions starting from developing desktop java programs, through the android native, which was my original intent, up to being a Full-Stack developer using Angular and Spring technology. Some of the projects I worked on are displayed below.

Related technologies

Personal Programming

10 years

Since I've started programming as a 12 years old guy, I've started countless projects. Many of them were for me, friends, or family. I've changed a variety of languages and tried several technologies to make the software more convenient to my demands. Some projects I made to the end are displayed below. Programming is fun when you want something to achieve and have a motivation to make things happen. I never give up, and still trying to develop something in my free time.

Related technologies

Accomplished projects

Want to collaborate? Send me an email about your business idea.
Want to chat? You can find me on LinkedIn as well.

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I am interested in opportunities

  • Full-Stack Angular-Spring
  • Kotlin Backend
  • Android Native

For you

I'm quite busy right now. Please send me abbreviated emails of your business plans with the most important things for me.